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BREAKING NEWS:​ Opportunities


University of Virginia School of Nursing Survey: obstacles accessing healthcare for pregnant disabled and non disabled Black women 


The University of Virginia School of Nursing is looking for participants for a study to understand the
obstacles disabled women and birthing people of color face around pregnancy and accessing healthcare.
Our goal is to change clinical practice and education to better serve persons with disabilities.
The study involves one interview over Zoom that will last about 45-60 minutes, and participants will be
compensated $40 for their time. All interviews are confidential and your identity will not be disclosed.

You may qualify if you:

  -  Have a disability or a disabling condition (vision, mobility, intellectual, learning, or psychological or are Deaf or hard-of hearing

  -  Identify as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, or multiracial.

  -  Are 18 years of age or older

  -  Are pregnant or have had a child in the last 24 months

  -  Are experiencing/have experienced difficult intimate relationships and/or mood disturbances


If you think you qualify and are interested in participating, please contact Casey Johnson at




State Settles Lawsuit Over Housing Individuals With Disabilities In Nursing Homes

by Bruce Finley, The Denver Post/TNS | November 8, 2024


DENVER — Colorado has agreed to do more to prevent needless isolation of thousands of people with physical disabilities who were confined to nursing homes, settling a federal lawsuit that claimed state health officials illegally segregated too many people.


U.S. Department of Justice officials announced the settlement this month. Colorado officials committed to taking the following actions before February 2026:


Help thousands of nursing facility residents move


Identify people at risk of unnecessary confinement


Give information needed to make choices


Help people with disabilities find accessible, affordable housing


Connect people with Medicaid long-term care services


Boost opportunities for people with disabilities to control their care


Support family caregivers



HUD Takes Action to Support Community Living for People with Disabilities

New Mainstream Voucher flexibilities designed to help people with disabilities choose where they live

August 2024

WASHINGTON - On the heels of the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 25th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision on Olmstead v. L.C., the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is taking policy actions to support community living for people with disabilities. Specifically, HUD published guidance that creates new alternative requirements and waivers that enable public housing agencies (PHAs) to better utilize Mainstream Vouchers to help persons with disabilities transition from and avoid institutional settings, in furtherance of the goals of Olmstead. Read more...



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